Beneath you, there’s me.

Guide you, guide me.

JR Castroverde
1 min readNov 7, 2023

I earned you, from the pit of darkness I was. You became that shining light, my wings, my savior. I was a sinner, but you chose not to look beyond my past, because you were there to embrace the future, with me. So I thought I always new whats coming then, from then, because you showed me the way, learned to trust each other. It was a smooth flight, from your cuddly wings, beautiful smell, and light face. Awestruck. Comforting. Soothing. We endured, we manage to learn waves by waves silently, but somehow we lost our paths. An angel, you were, but since you came from heaven to save me, you became mortal and got tired, you dropped me accidentally and told me to learn and walk, I became used to it. And we flew again, but fear there is, fear shakes the grip of these bare hands. We took the courage, which I hope, at the the very least, in the end you became a guide from sky while I push you to soar high and decide to walk along the long road.

P.S. Love you.



JR Castroverde

I've never been to space, maybe thats why I'm here. Living in Palawan, Philippines.