Keep me going

JR Castroverde
1 min readNov 12, 2019


Build and Break

Its just an amazing day or maybe just another heartbreaking, but atleast we tried hiding it away from the people who have seen our smiles. I was catch up by some thoughts and it keeps bugging me; Im suddenly confused how memories build us before, now break us today. We all had the excitement and fun when we have the person and now were are alone trying to find ourselves in the blank pages or which word or phrase can mend our confusion. Overthinking don’t even let you breath for a minute so that it let you catch up to the reality, because you’re still intact to what makes you feel alive, whole. You keep denying your reality so that it doesn’t affect the people around you, because if it does, they will know how ugly the truth is. Todays work is really exhausting, I don’t deny that I’m not tired, but yeah I keep trying.

“Im suddenly confused how memories build us before, now break us today.”



JR Castroverde

I've never been to space, maybe thats why I'm here. Living in Palawan, Philippines.